Canada Digital Adoption Plan (CDAP)

Take advantage of this great initiative from the Government of Canada to fund to digitize your business!

Get up to a $15,000 grant and $100,000 interest-free loan!

What is Canada Digital Adoption Program (CDAP)

This program is a Government of Canada initiative to help qualified Small and Medium Business Enterprises (SME’s) to digitize their business such as moving to cloud based technology, or to improve the process by technology automation etc. The qualified businesses can apply for a grant up to $15,000 to pay for developing a digital adoption plan and then apply for a loan of up to $100,000 with 0% interest repayable in 5 years. We can help assess you whether you qualify for the benefit and help you get this grant and loan. Do not delay, contact us right away.

How Does CDAP Work?

Step 1

Is your business eligible?

Your business has to meet certain requirements such as revenues should be more than $500,000 and should have employed minimum of one employee and other condition. We can help assess your business if you qualify without any cost. Contact us today!

Step 2

Engage a digital advisor

Once you have qualified, you need to engage a certified digital advisor who will work with you develop a plan for your business's digital adoption plan. The CDAP program will pay for up to $15,000 as a grant towards the cost of this plan. We can assist you with the development of this plan. Contact us today!

Step 3

Apply for the loan of $100,000

Once your plan is approved, then you will be eligible to apply for the $100,000 interest free loan for up to 5 years from Business Development bank of Canada (BDC). We can assist you with obtaining this loan. Contact us today!

Contact us today if you want more information or if you want to engage us in your CDAP journey!

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